Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Life Changing Experience

After a full week of recovery I am almost, but not quite back to normal. A seemingly harmless change of hair colour translated into a severe allergic reaction including my entire head swelling, a visit to the ER, headaches, body aches and not being able to go to work. Not only was this a physical journey but an emotional one.

I care about the way I look! Is that because I was born with an ego, I suppose but I know that my ego is part of who I am and I don't need to transcend my ego to reach Self-Realization. The ego can play tricks on our minds but we must learn to redirect the ego back to our true nature. I am aware that I am aware! I am joyful that I am awake! Pratabhijna is the splendor of Self-Recognition, when the individual self, realizes the Universal Self, and that can be recognized in this moment, right now!

Sicknesses, injuries, traumatic experiences, loss at situations in which we can become cloaked, isolated, depressed and it leads to a feeling of disconnect. That feeling has haunted me for the last week but as I heal and move forward instead of just looking at this experience as horrible, I am looking at how it connects me back to the big picture again. What have I learned about myself? What work do I need to do to stay connected? Every experience is a learning opportunity and I am taking my time to figure out how I will expand my own consciousness from this particular experience.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I know where all the guys are!!!

I figured out where all the guys are when their lady counterparts are at yoga. So where do you think they are? They are at hockey, that's right hockey. I was just a two Toronto Maple Leafs Rookie games and it is full of guys and if they weren't at the game they were likely watching it on tv.

So how do we inspire our male consorts to start stepping it up and doing some yoga? Suggestions? No really please tell me!!! It is strange that most of the yoga classes are filled up with woman with a few men sprinkled in. I love when there are more guys in the class, it does help to balance the feminine energy, plus the om and innvocation sound so much better with their deeper tones.

I guess we need to bribe them to come, tell them you will go to a hockey game with them if they will come to yoga with you. That seems like a fair trade to me. Let me know how it goes or I can't wait to meet your boyfriends, husbands and friends at yoga very soon.

Yoga is not just for women, humanity needs this practice!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Iceberg Effect

Unlike El Nino which is a warming effect, the iceberg effect it a a chilling experience. You probably already know this but please let me put my 3 years of University to some use here. Only the tip of the iceberg is showing on the surface, one ninth to be more specific, hence "this is the tip of the iceberg" saying. I am not really relating this to physical Geography although I find that all intriguing, but instead I am referring to the mystery of life and the ways in which we see the tip and then remember and relive our problems and our past.

When I look back into the past, I recount this memories of friends and experience that I can conveniently categorize by the tip, the one person that reminds me of the other people I used to hang out with because of that one person, or the stories tied to that particular iceberg. That person only has to grace my mind in a passing thought and I remember the entire iceberg below.

The mind creates pathways through our habitual thoughts and our experiences so it makes sense that we may have a hard time seeing the big picture or we are reminded of it just by seeing that one person from our past. It doesn't depend on whether the person represents a "positive" or "negative" our minds will flashback to the past and all the sorted details of the relationship.

I remember hiding from an ex-boyfriend since I didn't want him to see me, even though I could see him, all the while I am fuming "he's this,that, ahh that one time he did this to me, and so on and on and on and on. That can go on for some time, if we let it. Then we have a Titanic situation on our hands, we see the iceberg, we are heading right for it, then boom, you know the rest. So have can we steer out minds in a new direction?

I suggest yoga, I know big surprise for some of you, but really, yoga gives us a chance to re steer our minds, habits, attitudes toward something better, like the setting sun on the ocean. Through yoga we can learn how to hold the image of a challenging person in our hearts, minds, and bodies with space, maybe even forgiveness. Easier said than done, like most yoga. It is really in the practice that we create a capacity to actually do it, without it make no mistake it is far easier to see the tip of the iceberg and then dive deep into your mind and pull out a bunch of painful stories of betrayal, hurt and abandonment.

Metta is the practice of loving kindness. It can be a way to help you move on from your past, cut the ties to that iceberg or at least admire their beauty from a distance without steering right into them. This is not something I feel can happen on your first attempt, I am quite certain it can and will take some time to learn how to steer your ship so be patient, open, soft and even forgiving toward yourself. It might help your cruise through your day a bit easier or at least without catastrophe.

happy travels and much metta!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Anusara Video - The Heart of Transformation

I was super excited to come home yesterday and see my shipment of the new Anusara movie. I snuggled up last night after a wonderful weekend in Buckhorn lake, getting deeply connected to nature and nurturing myself as I transition into Fall. The movie was great, I just love to hear John speak and it was awesome to hear all of the other teachers talking about their own personal journey with Anusara. i can relate to almost all of the other teachers and also the love that we all feel for John and the work that he is doing for our community. I really want everyone to see this video so you have a deeper understanding about what this is all about.

What Anusara is about for me is a way, a method, a opportunity for me to live more fully from my heart. Easier said than done. I realize I have more work to do but that it is just getting better and better as I go. One day I hope to be in that circle of teachers, closest to John because I truly believe that we can all change the world but that it begins within our own community. Every time I teach a yoga class my intention is to bring my students into the sacred space of their own hearts, the place of a connection to something bigger, to have a moment where they accept themselves as they are.

I can only offer my humble gratitude to my teacher Todd Norian that once told me in the midst of my confustion...."Mindy you just have to follow your heart." Once again easier said than done but since that was over 5 years ago I really trust my heart more than I ever have and it has only lead me to bigger and better things. Does that take courage, discipline, effort, you bet it does but when these moments of total delight follow you know in your heart it is so worth it.

I am heading to Sante Fe, New Mexico for more John and I can't wait!!! I appreciate everyone that has been supporting me on this journey and I can't wait to support you on your path however I can. Follow your heart today and you will be transformed.