Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Veerya Rasa

This week I am teaching classes that remind us of our courageous nature. Each person will expereince Veerya Rasa - Courage in their own way. For some people it will be to taste a new food for others bungee jumping is just not enough so these rasa's are relative to one's personal life experience. You will be facing what you fear on your yoga mat, you may see or feel things coming up that are not pleasant but be courageous because you will uncover so much good stuff about yourself, you will touch a part of yourself that is a fearless warrior.

Roar today......



  1. i love this! thank you for the inspiration :) hi mindy i'm nicole. i'm a yoga teacher in the philippines and have started practicing anusara a year ago. i fell in love with it & it has continued to change my life. i found you through kb's vlog and was deeply moved by it. i've just arrived from my travels in europe where i joined my teacher desiree rumbaugh in some of her ttc's & workshops. i hope to meet you someday. :)

    love & light

  2. Hi Nicole
    Nice to meet you. I have connected with some friends I have met on-line so maybe we will meet next :) I am heading to Paris next week to study with John Friend and I can't wait :)
